What Do You Believe?
If you believe that there is a connection between one's spirit(and the faith of an individual) and one's health, why does that connection exist?
Explore and discuss the relationship/connection/link between faith and health.
If you believe that there is a connection between one's spirit(and the faith of an individual) and one's health, why does that connection exist?
Posted by
Dale Fletcher
Yes, I believe there is a connection between my faith and my health. As my intimate relationship with God grows deeper, I feel the Holy Spirit fills my being and I am able to live my life in a more Godly manner. In growing closer to God, and abiding in His presence more often, and more fully, I have greater peace, and a calm spirit. I am better equipped to handle the daily upsets in life which so often add stressors causing frustration and worries. As I focus on knowing that God is in control, and I can give that conrol to Him and allow Him to work His plan, I have joy, a thankful heart, and a healthy, welcoming outlook on what lies ahead. So, Coach Fletch, for me, I would say the connection between health and spirit is an absolute truth. As we use Godly wisdom to care for ourselves in the manner He intended, our bodies are tributes to His magnificence, and we bring glory to Him, for we are created by Him, for Him. I feel that He intends for us to live happy, full, healthy lives with Him as the Center. And, as Jer 29:11 tells us, "For I know the plans I have for you sayeth the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for good and not for evil."
Hi Janice,
Sounds like you have a very rich and personal spiritual life. And it appears that you understand how that part of your life affects your health. Thanks for posting on the blog. I hope you'll be a regular contributer to the Faith and Health Connection!
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